Mercedes S63 AMG Coupe. Carpornography.


Well, I am a car lover. Actually, a BIG car lover. Actually, a vehicle lover. Actually, a lover of anything with wheels and an engine. So you’d imagine when I was given the chance to photograph a not even launched yet in Romania car, I imediately took the challenge.

We first took the car outside to shoot the exterior. I put the car against the simplest background I found in the whole parking lot. Luckily, it was cloudy outside, so the lighting was nice and even. Also, it was getting dark, so starting out with the outdoor shots made a lot of sense. After turning the lights on, shooting pictures, turning them off, shooting pictures, moving it a little, shooting pictures, turning it around, shooting pictures, puting it back as original and shooting some more pictures… You get the point, I could be standing there all day photographing the damn beauty. But, as allways, beautiful moments are interupted by weather, so, when it started raining, we put the car back inside. I finished the exterior images already, so we went inside.


Inside we were supposed to shoot details and interiors. The car was in the delivery room, which was some good nice quality light. Problem is it wasn’t really much light… My settings were constant, ISO 800 and aperture between f1.8 and f2.8. It was pretty dark in there you know… I had a wider angle lens on my small M43 Olympus, but I used IS and even shot at 28mm equivalent at 1/4 of a second.


After doing the exterior, I tried to get some semi-abstract images, like the one below. I know, I was stupid for not bringing a tripod, but anyone makes mistakes, even the best ones (cough cough modesty).


Going to the interior, I had the idea to bounce the flash off the ceiling. Briliant! Except, it had a panoramic roof, so there was glass up there, no carpet sort of thingy. But, luckily, it had a cover to go over the glass! Brilliant! I could take out my flash and just… Well, the roof cover was black, so bouncing light off that was as useful as bringing a firefly to light a dark room. Not gonna happen, no matter how hard you try. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

At first I did my wide shot, and then got on with the details. Having a dark interior, there was even less light to work with… Hurray! 😦

Still, I enjoyed the whole thing, had a lot of fun! I’ll be writing a post about my editing on theese, because a lot happened there too!


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