Why I moved my blog to WordPress and how?

Why did I move?

You might have noticed the last post I shared was on a blog called “more than snaps”. Well, here is my sort of new blog! Why did I go from blogger, though?

Embed from Getty Images

1.    URL NAME

    First of all, think about the name. When I created my first blog, the name I initially wanted was, you guessed, taken. So, I ended up with “Tudorphotobeginnings.blogspot.com”? That’s a mouth full. That’s a total of 31 letters… Yeah… A bit long, right?  Plus, each time I told somebody about it I had to personally write it down on paper for them to even understand. Not good at all!


    Look, this is just my personal opinion, but the templates on blogger are less than meh… I mean, compared to the ones wordpress offers, they look llike something I did in HTML in a notepad file in 9th grade… WordPress ones look so much more modern, sleeker and more minimalistic.


This isn’t really a big problem, but hey… Let’s mention it. TO ME, PERSONALLY, something.wordpress.com sound better. I can’t say it sounds more professional because come on, let’s be serious… But it does sound less likely that a 6 year old would create a blog on wordpress about his transformes toys…


How did I migrate my blog over here?


Well, this is simple… Sort of… Damn, I use this expression too much! Ok, back to our topic. Switching platforms is simply a thing of downloading your blog from blogger.com and importing it in wordpress. Or is it? On the face of it, this is the way to do it, and I think the only way too. The thing is, your fonts might differ, title styles and some simple formatting differences. Nothing major, still better than having an empty blog that feels sort of like an abandoned, but brand new building. (We do have those in Romania)


That’s that, tried to keep it short, sort of made it short-ish. Damn, that expression, “sort of”, I used it too often. It’s sort of like I …. Screw it, see you next time! 🙂


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